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History of science 1961 –

Assassination of J.F. Kennedy 1963
Chernobyl explosion 1986
Re- unification of East and West Germany 1990
First hole in Ozone layer indentified
First human heart transplant
Smallpox wiped out by vaccination
Developments in genetic engineering
Gell-Mann suggested existence of quarks
Quarks revealed
Development of microchips and micro-computers
Revolutionized production of all kinds of machines
Quasars observed
First Moon Landings
Hawking developed his theory of black holes
Soviet astronauts complete one year in space
A computer is used to solve a problem set by Archimedes

Laser c. 1960
Silicon chip c. 1961
Microprocessor c. 1971
Space shuttle c. 1981
Superconductors c. 1987

1 comment:

JTankers said...

Interesting history facts.

But actually Dr. Steven Hawking was introduced to black hole theory by Professor Sir Rodger Penrose.

Dr. Steven Hawking is famous for Hawking Radiation theory, the disputed theory that predicts that micro black holes might evaporate.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) might produce micro black holes (MBH) at a rate of one per second, and Dr. Hawking believes they would evaporate. Other scientists believe that Hawking Radiation is unlikely to exist and are very concerned. There is even a federal lawsuit seeking verified proof of safety.

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