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History of science 1000BC - AD500

First Olympic Games 776 BC
Roman conquest of Britain ad 43
Vesuvius erupts, destroying Pompeii ad 79
Hippocrates establishes profession of physician and begins to free medicine from superstition.
Chinese develop acupuncture.
Democritus states all matter is made of atoms, solid particles that cannot be divided.
Aristotle develops theory of four basic elements
Archimedes discovers the principle of levers and pulleys
Ptolemy states the Earth is round and is the motionless center of a revolving Universe
Hindus devise a system of numerals.
Euclid writes his Elements. It will be used as a textbook for next 2000 years

Water clocks c.650 BC
Abacus c.500 BC
Archimedes screw c. 200 BC
Paper (for writing) c. 100

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